Almost a decade ago, I worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at LinkedIn’s illustrious data standardization team. From the day I joined to the day I left, we still couldn’t automatically read a person’s profile and reliably understand someone’s seniority and job title across all languages and regions.
This looks simple at first glance. “software engineer” is clear enough, right? How about someone who just writes “associate”? It might be a low seniority retail worker, if they’re in Walmart, or a high ranking lawyer if they work in a law firm. But you probably knew that — do you know what’s a Java Fresher? What’s Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr? This isn’t just about knowing the German language — it translates to “Voluntary Social year”. But what’s a good standard title to represent this role? If you had a large list of known job titles, where would you map it?
I joined LinkedIn, I left LinkedIn. We made progress, but making sense of even the most simple regular texts — a person’s résumé, was elusive.
You probably won’t be shocked to learn that this problem is trivial for an LLM like GPT-4
But wait, we’re a company, not a guy in a chat terminal, we need structured outputs.
Ah, that’s better. You can repeat this exercise with the most nuanced and culture-specific questions. Even better, you can repeat this exercise when you get an entire person’s profile, that gives you more context, and with code, which gives you the ability to use the results consistently in a business setting, and not only as a one off chat. With some more work you can coerce the results into a standard taxonomy of allowable job titles, which would make it indexable. It’s not an exaggeration to say if you copy & paste all of a person’s resume and prompt GPT just right, you will exceed the best results obtainable by some pretty smart people a decade ago, who worked at this for years.
The specific example of standardizing reumès is interesting, but it stays limited to where tech has always been hard at work — at a tech website that naturally applies AI tools. I think there’s a deeper opportunity here. A large percent of the world’s GDP is office work that boils down to expert human intelligence being applied to extract insights from a document repeatedly, with context. Here are some examples at increasing complexity:
By now LLMs are notorious for being prone to hallucinations, a.k.a making shit up. The reality is more nuanced: hallucinations are in fact a predictable result in some settings, and are pretty much guaranteed not to happen in others.
The place where hallucinations occur is when you ask it to answer factual questions and expect the model to just “know” the answer from its innate knowledge about the world. LLMs are bad and introspecting about what they know about the world — it’s more like a very happy accident that they can do this at all. They weren’t explicitly trained for that task. What they were trained for is to generate a predictable completion of text sequences. When an LLM is grounded against an input text and needs to answer questions about the content of that text, it does not hallucinate. If you copy & paste this blog post into chatGPT and ask does it teach you how to cook a an American Apple Pie, you will get the right result 100% of the time. For an LLM this is a very predictable task, where it sees a chunk of text, and tries to predict how a competent data analyst would fill a set of predefined fields with predefined outcomes, one of which is {“is cooking discussed”: false}
Previously as an AI consultant, we’ve repeatedly solved projects that involved extracting information from documents. Turns out there’s a lot of utility there in insurance, finance, etc. There was a large disconnect between what our clients feared (“LLMs hellucinate”) vs. what actually destroyed us (we didn’t extract the table correctly and all errors stem from there). LLMs did fail — when we failed them present it with the input text in a clean and unambiguous way. There are two necessary ingredients to build automatic pipelines that reason about documents:
Here’s what causes LLMs to crash and burn, and get ridiculously bad outputs:
It always helps to remember what a crazy mess goes on in real world documents. Here’s a casual tax form:
Or here’s my resumè
Or a publicly available example lab report (this is a front page result from Google)
The absolute worst thing you can do, by the way, is ask GPT’s multimodal capabilities to transcribe a table. Try it if you dare — it looks right at first glance, and absolutely makes random stuff up for some table cells, takes things completely out of context, etc.
When tasked with understanding these kinds of documents, my cofounder Nitai Dean and I were befuddled that there aren’t any off-the-shelf solutions for making sense of these texts.
Some people claim to solve it, like AWS Textract. But they make numerous mistakes on any complex document we’ve tested on. Then you have the long tail of small things that are necessary, like recognizing checkmarks, radio button, crossed out text, handwriting scribbles on a form, etc etc.
So, we built Docupanda.io — which first generates a clean text representation of any page you throw at it. On the left hand you’ll see the original document, and on the right you can see the text output
Tables are similarly handled. Under the hood we just convert the tables into huuman and LLM-readable markdown format:
The last piece to making sense of data with LLMs is generating and adhering to rigid output formats. It’s great that we can make AI mold its output into a json, but in order to apply rules, reasoning, queries etc on data — we need to make it behave in a regular way. The data needs to conform to a predefined set of slots which we’ll fill up with content. In the data world we call that a Schema.
The reason we need a schema, is that data is useless without regularity. If we’re processing patient records, and they map to “male” “Male” “m” and “M” — we’re doing a terrible job.
So how do you build a schema? In a textbook, you might build a schema by sitting long and hard and staring at the wall, and defining that what you want to extract. You sit there, mull over your healthcare data operation and go “I want to extract patient name, date, gendfer and their physician’s name. Oh and gender must be M/F/Other.”
In real life, in order to define what to extract from documents, you freaking stare at your documents… a lot. You start off with something like the above, but then you look at documents and see that one of them has a LIST of physicians instead of one. And some of them also list an address for the physicians. And some addresses have a unit number and a building number, so maybe you need a slot for that. On and on it goes.
What we came to realize is that being able to define exactly what’s all the things you want to extract, is both non-trivial, difficult, and very solvable with AI.
That’s a key piece of DocuPanda. Rather than just asking an LLM to improvise an output for every document, we’ve built the mechanism that lets you:
What you end up with is a powerful JSON schema — a template that says exactly what you want to extract from every document, and maps over hundreds of thousands of them, extracting answers to all of them, while obeying rules like always extracting dates in the same format, respecting a set of predefined categories, etc.
Like with any rabbit hole, there’s always more stuff than first meets the eye. As time went by, we’ve discovered that more things are needed:
If there’s one takeaway from this post, it’s that you should look into harnessing LLMs to make sense of documents in a regular way. If there’s two takeawways, it’s that you should also try out Docupanda.io. The reason I’m building it is that I believe in it. Maybe that’s a good enough reason to give it a go?